Mission Statement
The mission of Helping 3 Horses Association has changed from a horse rescue to a horse refuge. At the beginning in 2013 the goal was to rescue and rehabilitate 3 horses who were in a bad situation of neglect, with the hope of getting them all adopted. The youngest horse, Scipion, (Blanchette's son) was professionally saddle-trained and adopted into a loving family. But the story went differently for Blanchette and Negrette who were too old to be saddle-trained and who had health problems, handicapped by their past: the lack of early training and lack of proper health care. With time it became clear that people generally were not interested in adopting horses that they could not ride. And even if Blanchette and Negrette could get accepted into a big existing refuge (long waiting lists and lack of funding/staff) they would likely not get the kind of individual care they need. So, at this time, the mission of the H3H association is to provide a quality horse refuge for the two mares.
I give my time to care for them. But I also have been paying most of the costs myself which is difficult with my limited single income. Very rarely I find time to do a bit of fundraising, and so from time to time I get some donations (tax deductible) from friends and family. There is more about the story on the Blog, a link on this website. The recent news is that the two mares have been diagnoses with Cushing's disease, a direct result of their past; improper feeding and stress from neglect, i.e. hooves. In France the medication for Cushing's disease costs over 100 euros a month to treat both horses, and must be given daily to alleviate their discomfort and to keep them healthy. Some funding help is especially needed now to continue with the mission.